Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wandering The Web

Brace for impact: linkfest inbound!

The Iraq War: a war without heroes. And not because there aren't any.

Victor Davis Hanson has a new piece today, "Why Not Support Democracy?"

John at Argghhh!!! found this news interesting: Syria has signed a pledge to store Iranian nukes. Or, as John put it:
That headline should read: London - Syria has signed a pledge to be targets number one through "no stone left standing upon the other" in both the US and Israeli Air Tasking Orders by agreeing to store Iranian nuclear weapons and missiles.
Is that really a good idea, Mr. Assad? Anger us enough, and we might be willing to try regime change again...

How quickly we forget: the murderer of Robert Stethem ).S. Navy diver, executed during the hijacking of TWA in 198) was released by German authorities yesterday. He was supposed to be serving a life sentence. More at Bloodspite.

John Derbyshire at The Corner refers us to this piece by The War Nerd, "The Japanese Red Army." It's one of those things where you feel you shouldn't be enjoying it - it feels wrong - but you eagerly read on anyway. Such as:
The man who tried to rouse Japan's military spirit was a writer named Yukio Mishima. A freak, no denying that, but at least he was anti-peace, pro-war-he had "moral clarity," as they say. Not your typical militarist, though-Mishima was an "avant-garde" novelist. Haven't read his books, but I'd imagine "avant-garde" means his books make no sense even in translation. He was also a flaming mariposa, gay as a Spartan bath attendant. Worked out non-stop, got very buffed (for a Japanese) and was always posing with his shirt off, trying to look Imperial, with that rising-sun flag wrapped around him, or wearing a samurai sword and headband-only he's always got that "Hi there, Sailor" expression which pretty much ruins the effect.
The rest of it is worth reading, too.

And the good guys at Argghhh!!! have been keeping busy, too. There's something for everyone: airplanes, some humor, and remembering the Battle of the Bulge (today, Bastogne), a bit of comparative history, amd remembering today's war, too. Drop by - it's always worth a visit.

Cross-posted to The Wasatch Front.

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