Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The New SCOTUS Nominee [UPDATED]

The official Pacific Slope position on President Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers:


From The Corner at National Review Online

I honestly do not know what Bush is thinking on this one. I'm sorry, but there are several people better qualified and better able to perform the tasks of a Supreme Court Justice.

I have no idea who Ms. Miers is. That's my problem with her.

Michael McConnell, on the other hand, is a well-regarded expert on constitutional law. He was, prior to his current appointment, one of the preeminent commentators on Supreme Court rulings.

If Miers was picked to avoid a confirmation fight - why? I see her lack of obvious credentials a bigger reason to object than any quibble over some skeleton which may or may not be in the closet. The Democrats are going to complain, regardless - look what happened to Chief Justice Roberts. There is going to be an ugly confirmation fight anyway - so let's pick someone worth fighting for.

Dump Miers. Nominate McConnell.
Although Ponnuru would do, too.

UPDATE [1:00 PM]:
Well, I've said my piece. Here are some more views from the right side of the blogosphere:
Polipundit - One Day Later (For Miers)
The American Thinker (For)

Randy Barnett in the Wall Street Journal (opposed; concerned about cronyism)
The Editors at the Wall Street Journal (opposed)
The Editors at National Review (opposed)
The Corner (ongoing discussion; pretty much unanimously opposed, and disappointed)
Ponnuru - Bainbridge - Hewitt (opposed - opposed - for; should prove an interesting debate)

One more point I'd like to make: I think Bush has disappointed and annoyed his social conservative supporters, his most loyal. Pat Buchanan speaks to that here, in the most succinct objection to Miers' nomination I've seen. Hugh Hewitt doesn't think so. I guess we'll see in the confirmation hearings.

But if the Democrats don't lay a glove on her during the confirmation (Sen. Reid apparently has already come out in her favor) - I think we have a problem.

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